Brand Description
KORADO is a leading producer of radiators (heaters). We produce steel panel radiators RADIK, towel rail radiators KORALUX and design panel radiators KORATHERM
- Kingrad, panel steel radiator type 22, 500x1100 - 1818W-40%Price:€76.28List Price:
€128.16discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€76.28List Price:€128.16Discount:€51.88 (40.48%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x2000 -1895W ΔT60-10%Price:€154.06List Price:
€171.18discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€154.06List Price:€171.18Discount:€17.12 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x1800 - 1706W ΔT60-10%Price:€139.16List Price:
€154.62discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€139.16List Price:€154.62Discount:€15.46 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x1600 - 1516W ΔT60-10%Price:€126.46List Price:
€140.51discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€126.46List Price:€140.51Discount:€14.05 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x1400 - 1327W ΔT60-10%Price:€113.75List Price:
€126.39discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€113.75List Price:€126.39Discount:€12.64 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x1200 - 1137W ΔT60-10%Price:€100.50List Price:
€111.67discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€100.50List Price:€111.67Discount:€11.17 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x1000 - 948W ΔT60-10%Price:€86.15List Price:
€95.72discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€86.15List Price:€95.72Discount:€9.57 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x900 - 854W ΔT60-10%Price:€78.42List Price:
€87.13discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€78.42List Price:€87.13Discount:€8.71 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x800 - 758W ΔT60-10%Price:€74.00List Price:
€82.22discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€74.00List Price:€82.22Discount:€8.22 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x700 - 664W ΔT60-10%Price:€65.16List Price:
€72.40discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€65.16List Price:€72.40Discount:€7.24 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x600 - 569W ΔT60-10%Price:€57.98List Price:
€64.42discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€57.98List Price:€64.42Discount:€6.44 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x500 - 474W ΔT60-10%Price:€62.40List Price:
€69.33discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€62.40List Price:€69.33Discount:€6.93 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 300x400 - 379W ΔT60-10%Price:€55.77List Price:
€61.97discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€55.77List Price:€61.97Discount:€6.20 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 400x2000 - 2386W ΔT60-10%Price:€178.36List Price:
€198.18discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€178.36List Price:€198.18Discount:€19.82 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 400x1800 - 2148W ΔT60-10%Price:€163.45List Price:
€181.61discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€163.45List Price:€181.61Discount:€18.16 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 400x1600 - 1908W ΔT60-10%Price:€148.55List Price:
€165.05discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€148.55List Price:€165.05Discount:€16.50 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 400x1400 - 1670W ΔT60-10%Price:€131.43List Price:
€146.03discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€131.43List Price:€146.03Discount:€14.60 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 400x1200 - 1431W ΔT60-10%Price:€117.06List Price:
€130.07discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€117.06List Price:€130.07Discount:€13.01 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 400x1000 - 1193W ΔT60-10%Price:€100.50List Price:
€111.67discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€100.50List Price:€111.67Discount:€11.17 (10.00%) - KORADO Radik, panel steel radiator type 21, 400x900 - 1073W ΔT60-10%Price:€91.66List Price:
€101.85discounts infoDiscounts infoPrice:€91.66List Price:€101.85Discount:€10.19 (10.00%)
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